Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ending the Semester

Hello again everyone!

It seems I've done a terrible job of updating the blog this semester, so I'll see what I can do to sum it up before everyone (else) heads back to GT for the spring.

This semester was a ton of fun--as usual of course! There were plenty of new faces at the Y and in the van. The new mix was great, and (again, as usual) the fresh blood meant plenty of fresh ideas. We tried out some new tricks and new structures--I especially loved teaching the little kids about different sections of the orchestra. Maybe it was just because I love spreading the word about bassoons, or maybe it was their enthusiasm and uncanny ability to learn things fast...but those were fun times.

We had some rocky moments, too, and we definitely learned a few things about classroom management. I also think we learned that we have a lot left to learn about classroom management. Suddenly any ideas I've had about becoming a teacher are leaving my head. I'm told that they have to use their Plan E just about as regularly as we do.

But on the whole, it's been another great semester and (WARNING: sentimentalism ahead) one that I will always remember. That day I sent everyone off for the concert without me, I told Tim that it was like sending my children off to college. All the younger-than-me-Melodians: you've grown up so well. Older-than-me-Melodians: thank you more than I can say. I'm going to miss you all while I freeze in Petersburg!

Carolyn and Chris--I expect updates! Eileen--I expect pictures!

Here's to another great semester. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Getting ready for a new year!

Hey everyone!

Just thought I'd give us a blog update as we head into our new semester. We just finished SAC Fair today with a grand total of 61 new members signing up! I got my first real sunburn today, so I hope my great personal sacrifice will inspire everyone to new heights. :) We hope to see you all this Friday, September 10th at our first meeting. We'll be planning the semester, sharing power animals, and eating pizza.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's super-excited to head back to Capitol View--I missed those kids this summer! I can hardly wait for our new semester, new members, and new binder to be in full swing.

See y'all soon!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

I continue my efforts to expand GU Melody and avoid writing papers.

Hey guys,

So I've been fiddling around with Blogger/Blogspot/whatever Google blogs are called at the moment, and I just realized we can all post as our own Gmail selves, if we so choose. I've already invited Liz, Tiffany, Tim, and obviously myself to post as ourselves, and of course I'm sure any of us would be happy to extend that invitation to any of our other Melodians.

Hearts and happy finals,


Sunday, April 25, 2010

This site is no longer defunct.

Hi, all! It's Eileen here, reporting on the conclusion of a highly successful academic year at GU Melody.

After last year's difficult transition from Anthony Bowen to Capital View, Tim and I decided that we'd have to do some planning at the beginning of the year to make sure everything went smoothly and that every Melodian and student benefitted from the Melody experience. Sooo, we took some time out of our busy lives to hold a meeting for returning members to discuss our goals. We pretty quickly accepted that the individual performance lesson model wasn't going to work at Capital View, but we rewrote our mission statement and decided to include more elements of "musical importance" to our lesson plans. After about an hour of interesting conversation and planning, we conducted yet another meeting (I know, right?), this one for new members as well.

At the general meeting, we established our new lesson plan model. Each week would have a theme related to music theory or music appreciation - rhythm, melody, musical genres, world music - that would involve an instrument demonstration (and, for the older kids, an introductory lesson on that instrument) and other activities related to the theme. For example, "rhythm week" featured a demonstration on drums, at which point we broke into three groups: drum basics in the conference room, conducting in one half of the main room, and "Drumline" in the other half of the main room, where we talked about the importance of the conductor and the different kinds of rhythms Mr. Mariah Carey and his friends played.

It went smashingly! While not every week was hit out of the park, in general we had much more control of what was happening than we did last year, and I think the kids got more out of it, too. I know that plenty of the highlights of my own very stressful fall semester were Melody-related.

Spring semester brought a new excitement. In my never-ending quest to earn enough credits for the music minor SFS-ers are not allowed to have, I took a class with Professor Anna Celenza, chair of the Department of Performing Arts (DPA). As luck would have it, part way through the semester she started thinking seriously about social justice and what DPA's doing to promote it. She cancelled class the Tuesday before Easter and asked each of us, instead, to schedule an appointment to talk with her about the subject. After a bit of hemming and hawing, I found out she wasn't familiar with us (shocker! someone else who doesn't even know we exist!) and, moreover, was really interested in learning about us. The plot thickens.

All right, since I don't think anyone reading this doesn't know the way the story ends, she came with us to Capital View, wowed us with her ability to stick behind us through tricky DC traffic, met the kids and the YMCA staff, and let us know that there's money in the DPA budget and that if we need some, we can have it.

Now, in general, it's people and creativity that we need most, especially at Capital View. Money, however, is always nice, especially since our resources have been stretched pretty thin (the rainforest drums have definitely seen better days...) Moreover, with more funding and some good recruiting, the option of going to both Capital View and Anthony Bowen is open. As a person who's always been all about band and the benefits of music in education, I am really excited about reaching more kids. In short: I think things are looking good for next year!

Hearts and kisses,


Monday, April 28, 2008

My last hurrah

So it has been a little over a week since my final GU Melody Spring Concert.  I guess it still hasn't hit me that my experience with GU Melody is over.  It still doesn't feel like I'm graduating soon--there seems to be a lot of things I have to do before I'm really done at college.  And really, the Spring Concert was my first "last" at Georgetown.

But what I have thought about is how much I will miss the students and our GU Melody Family.  Volunteering with GU Melody has been probably the most profound thing that I have ever done with my life, because it has truly shaped me as a person.  I had done service prior to GU Melody, but never had I interacted with students in such a way that I truly got to know them as people and watch them grow over my four years of volunteering.  I have seen them sad and happy,
succeeding in school, learning how to read and write in cursive, growing taller each year, and
seeing younger generations of the same families come through GU Melody as well.  Two of my
former students have been so inspired by their GU Melody experience to begin taking piano lessons.  I cannot express how happy I am that I have brought music into those girls' lives.  

Also, I have never before encountered such a wonderful group of friends as my GU Melody family.  Each one of our volunteers is such a kind, unique, and caring individual whom I feel so fortunate to have as a friend.  I truly feel as though the best people I have ever met at Georgetown have been my Melody Family.  I have learned so much from all of you and we have shared so many funny memories and jokes.  You are all such wonderful people and I know that each of you will help change the world to become a better place by just you being in it.  You will all hold a place in my heart forever.  

I know that I am leaving GU Melody in the best hands.  Andrew and Matt already are beginning to recruit new freshmen by speaking at the GAAP weekends.  We've gotten a huge funding request approved for next year to buy new instruments.  So things just keep getting better!

The YMCA will be moving to a new building temporarily for the next few years while the old building undergoes renovations.  So it really is like the "end of an era" for us at the Anthony Bowen YMCA.  

But when I come visit, I will certainly have lots to look forward to :-)

President Emeritus

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

These kids lead more interesting lives than me!

This story is way past overdue, but it will still be quite interesting and funny for everyone.  

So this semester I'm working with younger kids than I ever have (most are around 7), and two of them are cousins.  Of course this means that every lesson proves to be quite interesting since they can become quite emotional.  But in the end everything works out, no matter how crazy the events leading to it are.  Two weeks ago was probably the craziest I've seen.

It all started with the two cousins wanting to play with my keys.  I gave in finally, but after awhile hearing I wasn't going to get them back until the following week I told them I needed them back.  Of course this caused arguing among the cousins since they still wanted them, but also wanted to be the good kid who gave them to me.  Before you know it, they each say they don't want to talk to each other anymore, but first throw insults at each other.  During this whole event little Alex was just standing there trying to make them happy.  I had no idea really how to deal with this, but I figured they are cousins so I can work with that, and just remind them of the good times.  I did not know, or expect, that the good time would be a food fight they had at a FAMILY PICNIC!

I couldn't even imagine what the food fight could have been like, but they both became so happy thinking about it and explaining how they threw the cole slaw at each other.  Of course I'm wondering what were their mothers doing at this point?  And how much trouble did they get in afterwards?  So I ask, and the response?  THEIR MOTHERS JOINED IN!  Apparently their mothers were hitting them with more food than anyone else!  I couldn't even believe it.  It seems crazy, but at the same time, they have the coolest moms!

Of course though they also cause food fights when in school, with little Isiah apparently starting most of them.  For those though they do get in trouble, but they seem to still enjoy them.  And of course I forgot to mention they were reenacting the food fights for Alex and I, running around the room and ducking to avoid the "food" and everything.  When I was younger, I never was in a food fight, I didn't realize that they were so commonplace!

These kids are so much fun, and even if sometimes I'm not teaching them, they certainly entertain me and I hope they are having a good time!


Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day!

Hello everyone!
So Valentine's Day was yesterday, and today was our little GU Melody Valentine's Day celebration.  The kids were all SO crazy because they've had so much candy.  So what did we do, but give them MORE CANDY!!!  These kids had been waiting for 2 weeks for some candy, so they deserved it.  And I took the opportunity to make a lovely baked delight for the family.  I should tell y'all how much of a disaster baking those cookies were--I originally planned to make heart-shaped Rice Krispy Treats and I bought this kit with everything you needed to make them.  The only problem was that the marshmallow goo was in some plastic bag (genius idea, for sure) and clearly it wasn't going to all come out of the packaging.  So I wenth through TWO batches of trying to make the stuff, and both times it ended up being a crusty mess.  So, I had a ton of icing to decorate them and I was kind of panicking.  But then, I was staring into the abyss that is my pantry, and saw a recipe on the box of Bisquick I had to make strawberry shortcakes, and the brilliant idea struck me to turn it into a cookie recipe!  So I tried the first batch and used the cookie cutters I had to cut the Bisquick mess into little hearts, but it was a little crumbly.  So then, fortunately, my dear roomie Ali swooped in to save the day and show me how to make the mix lay right in the pan so that it would come out even.  So, I FINALLY succeeded in making my little treats.  Phew.  But I will definitely use the Bisquick recipe again--I think that was pretty smart!  Here it is in case you guys wonder how to make it:

Bisquick GU Melody V-Day Treats:
3 cups Bisquick mix
1 cup milk
1 cup brown sugar
Mix all the stuff and spread into a baking pan.  Tilt the pan around until the mixture has evenly covered the pan (this was Ali's brilliant idea).  Bake for, I don't know, 3-4 minutes...then cut into cute shapes!  So easy.

Now I need to think up a cute treat for St. Patty's Day...

President "Emeritus"

PS- I think Frank has a pretty funny story to share with us...